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HK Talent香港人才服務中心的國際職業資格認證已經與12個國家和地區的300多家教育機構和行業協會建立了互認互通合作。




  • 國際教育機構認證

  • 國際職業認證

  • 權威互認互通

  • 全球聯網查詢

  • 香港國際背景


This is the space to describe the product. Write a short overview that includes important features, pricing and other relevant info for a potential buyer. Consider adding an image or video to show off the product and entice visitors to make a purchase.




Describe the Product.




This is the space to describe the product. Write a short overview that includes important features, pricing and other relevant info for a potential buyer. Consider adding an image or video to show off the product and entice visitors to make a purchase.

Describe the Product.




Describe the Product.

This is the space to describe the product. Write a short overview that includes important features, pricing and other relevant info for a potential buyer. Consider adding an image or video to show off the product and entice visitors to make a purchase.




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HK Talent香港人才服務中心全力支持特區政府及香港人才服務辦公室,幫助移居香港的國際及內地青年學生在本港學習階段突破能力關隘,實現升學階梯,實現從學生到職場的高品質轉身,全面提升國際化交流能力和未來職場力,拓展全球視野、與快速變化的世界和諧相處。





Describe the service and how customers or clients can benefit from it. It’s an opportunity to add a short description with relevant details, like pricing, duration and how to book.



Describe the service and how customers or clients can benefit from it. It’s an opportunity to add a short description with relevant details, like pricing, duration and how to book.



Describe the service and how customers or clients can benefit from it. It’s an opportunity to add a short description with relevant details, like pricing, duration and how to book.



Describe the service and how customers or clients can benefit from it. It’s an opportunity to add a short description with relevant details, like pricing, duration and how to book.


新特蘭大學香港分校 (內地稱桑德蘭大學)

This is a space to promote the business, its products or its services. Use this opportunity to help site visitors become more familiar with the business and its offerings. Reach out to current and potential clients and customers to build a sense of connection and trust. 


Explain what makes the business unique. Identify the qualities that set it apart from its competitors and describe them, staying true to the brand's authentic voice. Add engaging details to catch readers' interest and hold their attention.


This is a space to promote the business, its products or its services. Use this opportunity to help site visitors become more familiar with the business and its offerings. Reach out to current and potential clients and customers to build a sense of connection and trust. 


Explain what makes the business unique. Identify the qualities that set it apart from its competitors and describe them, staying true to the brand's authentic voice. Add engaging details to catch readers' interest and hold their attention.


This is a space to promote the business, its products or its services. Use this opportunity to help site visitors become more familiar with the business and its offerings. Reach out to current and potential clients and customers to build a sense of connection and trust. 


Explain what makes the business unique. Identify the qualities that set it apart from its competitors and describe them, staying true to the brand's authentic voice. Add engaging details to catch readers' interest and hold their attention.


This is a space to promote the business, its products or its services. Use this opportunity to help site visitors become more familiar with the business and its offerings. Reach out to current and potential clients and customers to build a sense of connection and trust. 


Explain what makes the business unique. Identify the qualities that set it apart from its competitors and describe them, staying true to the brand's authentic voice. Add engaging details to catch readers' interest and hold their attention.


This is a space to promote the business, its products or its services. Use this opportunity to help site visitors become more familiar with the business and its offerings. Reach out to current and potential clients and customers to build a sense of connection and trust. 


Explain what makes the business unique. Identify the qualities that set it apart from its competitors and describe them, staying true to the brand's authentic voice. Add engaging details to catch readers' interest and hold their attention.


This is a space to promote the business, its products or its services. Use this opportunity to help site visitors become more familiar with the business and its offerings. Reach out to current and potential clients and customers to build a sense of connection and trust. 


Explain what makes the business unique. Identify the qualities that set it apart from its competitors and describe them, staying true to the brand's authentic voice. Add engaging details to catch readers' interest and hold their attention.


This is a space to promote the business, its products or its services. Use this opportunity to help site visitors become more familiar with the business and its offerings. Reach out to current and potential clients and customers to build a sense of connection and trust. 


Explain what makes the business unique. Identify the qualities that set it apart from its competitors and describe them, staying true to the brand's authentic voice. Add engaging details to catch readers' interest and hold their attention.


This is a space to promote the business, its products or its services. Use this opportunity to help site visitors become more familiar with the business and its offerings. Reach out to current and potential clients and customers to build a sense of connection and trust. 


Explain what makes the business unique. Identify the qualities that set it apart from its competitors and describe them, staying true to the brand's authentic voice. Add engaging details to catch readers' interest and hold their attention.


This is a space to promote the business, its products or its services. Use this opportunity to help site visitors become more familiar with the business and its offerings. Reach out to current and potential clients and customers to build a sense of connection and trust. 


Explain what makes the business unique. Identify the qualities that set it apart from its competitors and describe them, staying true to the brand's authentic voice. Add engaging details to catch readers' interest and hold their attention.


This is a space to promote the business, its products or its services. Use this opportunity to help site visitors become more familiar with the business and its offerings. Reach out to current and potential clients and customers to build a sense of connection and trust. 


Explain what makes the business unique. Identify the qualities that set it apart from its competitors and describe them, staying true to the brand's authentic voice. Add engaging details to catch readers' interest and hold their attention.


This is a space to promote the business, its products or its services. Use this opportunity to help site visitors become more familiar with the business and its offerings. Reach out to current and potential clients and customers to build a sense of connection and trust. 


Explain what makes the business unique. Identify the qualities that set it apart from its competitors and describe them, staying true to the brand's authentic voice. Add engaging details to catch readers' interest and hold their attention.


This is a space to promote the business, its products or its services. Use this opportunity to help site visitors become more familiar with the business and its offerings. Reach out to current and potential clients and customers to build a sense of connection and trust. 


Explain what makes the business unique. Identify the qualities that set it apart from its competitors and describe them, staying true to the brand's authentic voice. Add engaging details to catch readers' interest and hold their attention.


This is a space to promote the business, its products or its services. Use this opportunity to help site visitors become more familiar with the business and its offerings. Reach out to current and potential clients and customers to build a sense of connection and trust. 


Explain what makes the business unique. Identify the qualities that set it apart from its competitors and describe them, staying true to the brand's authentic voice. Add engaging details to catch readers' interest and hold their attention.


This is a space to promote the business, its products or its services. Use this opportunity to help site visitors become more familiar with the business and its offerings. Reach out to current and potential clients and customers to build a sense of connection and trust. 


Explain what makes the business unique. Identify the qualities that set it apart from its competitors and describe them, staying true to the brand's authentic voice. Add engaging details to catch readers' interest and hold their attention.


This is a space to promote the business, its products or its services. Use this opportunity to help site visitors become more familiar with the business and its offerings. Reach out to current and potential clients and customers to build a sense of connection and trust. 


Explain what makes the business unique. Identify the qualities that set it apart from its competitors and describe them, staying true to the brand's authentic voice. Add engaging details to catch readers' interest and hold their attention.






香港是世界的窗戶,是適應多元化世界充滿機遇的地方。HK Talent香港人才服務中心通過香港國際化的經濟金融中心區位優勢,連接和融合各種不同的東西方管理和人才文化,為國際人才搭建溝通橋樑、為內地人才培養國際視野。


專業培養綜合性管理人才 /






Brand Name in Numbers


Describe the Above.



Describe the Above.


AIFA PRO TM Academy-03.png
EABA Academy-01.png

Describe the Above.






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